We are looking for star spangled patriots to represent our brand across the greatest country in the world! Ambassadors should be outgoing, involved in their communities, and proud to be American! We are looking for college ambassadors as well as community ambassadors. Do YOU have what it takes to bring the #4FreedomMovement to your hometown??
An ideal 4Freedom Ambassador:
Is patriotic to their core
Love the colors RED, WHITE and BLUE and wear them often!!
Sings the national anthem in their sleep
Is involved in their community
Is dependable and honest
Always respects the American flag
Bonus points for:
Being in the military
Being a veteran
Having a military family member
Volunteering or donating to or working closely with a non-profit organization
4Freedom Ambassadors will receive new apparel for themselves as well as promo items to distribute on a regular basis as well as a 25% discount to purchase additional apparel. They will have a Promo Code to publicize in their communities which gives their friends a 10% discount and allows the ambassador to compete for donations to the non-profit of their choice. Each month, the ambassador who drives the most sales will be in our “Spotlight” and will choose the non-profit organization which 4Freedom will donate to, which must be approved by the owners of 4Freedom. All 4Freedom Ambassadors will be featured on our website!
Create excitement in your community for our products and brand
Utilize your social media accounts to spread the #4FreedomMovement, including tagging us in your 4Freedom posts
We will welcome your marketing suggestions as well as product design ideas – we look to you to keep us in touch with what our buyers are looking for
Note all posted promotions with #Ambassador to indicate that you are being compensated for your posts